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  • Terms: 10-18

    Found in Terms: 10-18

    10. Overview of the Operational Protocols The Operational Protocols will contain more detailed operational information than is possible in this Agreement.

  • Report a crime that's not an emergency

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Crimes and emergencies / Report a crime that's not an emergency

    Use 105 to report crimes to Police that are not urgent and do not need Emergency Services.

  • Renew or replace your adult passport

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Get or renew a New Zealand passport / Renew or replace your adult passport

    Renewing an adult New Zealand passport costs $206. Adult passports are valid for 10 years.

  • Apply for your first adult passport

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Get or renew a New Zealand passport / Apply for your first adult passport

    If you are 16 or older, you need an adult passport. Adult passports cost $206 and are valid for 10 years.

  • Renew your driver licence

    Found in Transport / Driver licences / Renew your driver licence

    For most people, your driver licence is valid for 10 years. The NZTA will send you a renewal reminder letter about 8 weeks before your photo driver licence is due to expire (if they have your current address).

  • Finding your birth child

    Found in Family and whānau / Adoption and fostering / Finding your birth child

    If you've placed a child for adoption and they are now over 20 years old, you can ask Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children for help finding them.

  • Adopting a child

    Found in Family and whānau / Adoption and fostering / Adopting a child

    You can apply to adopt a child in New Zealand as a couple or as an individual.

  • Renew or replace a child passport

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Get or renew a New Zealand passport / Renew or replace a child passport

    Renewing a child's passport costs $120. Child passports are valid for 5 years. Once a child turns 16 their passport is valid until it expires or is cancelled. After that, they must renew their passport as an adult.

  • Apply for a child's first passport

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Get or renew a New Zealand passport / Apply for a child's first passport

    Child passports are for children aged 15 and under. They cost $120 and are valid for 5 years. When a child turns 16, their passport is still valid until it expires or is cancelled.

  • Typography

    Found in About this website / Typography’s typefaces, text sizes and spacing, and links.

Utility links and page information